225+ Among Us Pick Up Lines [Funny, Romantic, Playful]

Last Updated on September 9, 2024 by Justin Taylor

Among Us has become a cultural phenomenon, with its unique gameplay and characters sparking creativity across various platforms. Whether you’re a fan of the impostor or just enjoy the game’s fun interactions, Among Us pick-up lines offer a playful way to flirt and have fun. 

These lines can add a touch of humor and charm to your conversations, making them memorable and engaging. In this list, you’ll find 15 unique pick-up lines under each heading, crafted to capture the spirit of the game and its characters.

🚀 Among Us Pick-Up Lines for Crewmates

  • “Are you a crewmate? Because my heart’s racing like we’re on an emergency meeting!”
  • “Do you have a task to complete? Because I’d love to be your partner in crime.”
  • “You must be an admin task, because you’ve got me checking my heart’s status.”
  • “Are you a crewmate? Because I need someone to help me find the impostor in my heart.”
  • “Is your name Among Us? Because you’re making my heart skip a beat!”
  • “Are you a crewmate? Because I’m falling for you faster than we can fix a reactor meltdown.”
  • “Do you have a map? Because I keep getting lost in your eyes.”
  • “You must be the task in electrical, because you’re lighting up my world.”
  • “Are you an admin swipe? Because you’ve just swiped me off my feet.”
  • “I’m not sure if you’re a crewmate or an impostor, but you’ve definitely stolen my heart.”
  • “If you were a task, you’d be my favorite one to complete.”
  • “Are you the reactor? Because you’re causing a meltdown in my heart.”
  • “Do you have a security camera? Because I’ve been watching you, and you’re all I see.”
  • “Are you a crewmate? Because you just completed my heart’s task.”
  • “I might be the impostor, but I’d never lie about how much I like you.”

🌟 Funny Among Us Pick-Up Lines

Funny Among Us Pick-Up Lines
  • “Are you an impostor? Because you’re making my heart race like a sabotage!”
  • “If you were a task, you’d be the one I’d never want to finish.”
  • “Are you the lights? Because every time you’re near, my world gets brighter.”
  • “Is your name Among Us? Because I’m definitely falling for you, no sabotage needed.”
  • “Do you like emergencies? Because being around you feels like one I can’t escape.”
  • “Are you a vent? Because I’m falling for you in a way that’s both unexpected and exciting.”
  • “If you were a task, you’d be the one I’d happily get locked in a room with.”
  • “Are you a reactor meltdown? Because you’ve just caused a massive emotional overload.”
  • “Are you a medbay scan? Because you’re making my heart race like never before.”
  • “Are you an emergency meeting? Because every time you talk, it’s like a big announcement.”
  • “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again in the reactor?”
  • “Are you a security camera? Because you’re always on my mind.”
  • “Is your name Sabotage? Because you’ve completely derailed my heart.”
  • “Are you an impostor? Because you’ve cleverly deceived my heart.”
  • “Do you have a keycard? Because I’m locked out of your heart and need a way in.”

💕 Romantic Among Us Pick-Up Lines

  • “Are you a medbay scan? Because I’m falling for you more every second.”
  • “If we were both crewmates, I’d protect you from any impostor and keep you close.”
  • “Are you an admin task? Because you’ve got my heart all checked out.”
  • “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I come back and do a reactor task?”
  • “You must be the download task, because you’ve got me feeling all kinds of things.”
  • “Are you a crewmate? Because I’m feeling a connection that’s more powerful than any reactor meltdown.”
  • “If I could be any task, I’d be the one you always complete with love.”
  • “Are you the impostor? Because my heart is on high alert and it’s all about you.”
  • “You must be a task in navigation, because you’re steering me right into love.”
  • “Is your name Among Us? Because I feel like my heart has been betrayed by how much I like you.”
  • “You must be an emergency meeting, because every moment with you feels crucial.”
  • “Are you the medbay scan? Because my heart is racing and it’s all your fault.”
  • “If love was a task, I’d choose you every time.”
  • “Are you a crewmate? Because my heart is definitely in the right place with you.”
  • “Do you have a task? Because I’d love to be the one to complete it with you.”
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🌌 Creative Among Us Pick-Up Lines

  • “Are you the reactor? Because you’re causing a reaction in my heart.”
  • “Is your name Task? Because you’ve got me completely focused on you.”
  • “Are you an impostor? Because you’ve stolen my heart in the best way.”
  • “Do you have a keycard? Because I need a way into your heart.”
  • “Are you a navigation task? Because you’ve directed me straight to you.”
  • “If you were a task, you’d be the one I’d always want to complete.”
  • “Are you a sabotage? Because you’ve disrupted all my previous plans.”
  • “Is your name Among Us? Because my feelings for you are definitely not a game.”
  • “Are you a vent? Because I’m falling for you in a way that’s unexpected and thrilling.”
  • “Do you have a map? Because I need directions to your heart.”
  • “Are you an emergency meeting? Because being with you feels like a top priority.”
  • “You must be the medbay scan, because my heart is racing like never before.”
  • “If we were in Among Us, I’d vote for you every time because you’re a total catch.”
  • “Are you the lights? Because every time you’re near, everything looks brighter.”
  • “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I vent back and try again?”

🕵️‍♂️ Mystery Among Us Pick-Up Lines

  • “Are you an impostor? Because you’ve mysteriously captured my heart.”
  • “Do you have a task list? Because I’d like to be on it, especially the part about loving you.”
  • “Are you a sabotage? Because you’ve completely disrupted my heart.”
  • “If we were in Among Us, I’d never suspect you as the impostor of my heart.”
  • “Are you a medbay scan? Because you’re revealing all the right things about my feelings.”
  • “You must be a vent because you’ve surprised me in the best possible way.”
  • “Are you a reactor? Because my heart’s been melting ever since I saw you.”
  • “If love were a task, I’d complete it with you over and over again.”
  • “Are you the emergency meeting? Because you’ve got my heart racing.”
  • “Do you have a map? Because I’m lost in the maze of your eyes.”
  • “Are you a navigation task? Because you’ve guided me straight to love.”
  • “Is your name Among Us? Because I can’t hide how much I’m into you.”
  • “Are you an admin task? Because you’re making my heart work overtime.”
  • “If you were a task, you’d be the one I’d always get done first.”
  • “Are you the lights? Because you’re brightening up my world.”

💫 Fun Among Us Pick-Up Lines

  • “Are you a crewmate? Because I’d love to team up with you for a mission of love.”
  • “Is your name Among Us? Because you’re definitely in my heart’s game.”
  • “Do you have a map? Because I’m lost in the adventure of your eyes.”
  • “Are you a medbay scan? Because my heart is racing with excitement.”
  • “If love were a task, I’d complete it with you every single time.”
  • “Are you a reactor? Because my heart is on overload every time you’re near.”
  • “You must be the lights because you’re making everything look clearer and brighter.”
  • “Are you an impostor? Because my heart can’t stop accusing you of being amazing.”
  • “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I do another task?”
  • “Are you a crewmate? Because my heart is definitely on a mission to be with you.”
  • “If you were a task, I’d complete you with love and dedication.”
  • “Are you a sabotage? Because you’ve disrupted all my plans and I’m okay with that.”
  • “Do you have a keycard? Because I need a way to unlock your heart.”
  • “Are you a security camera? Because I’m watching you closely, and I like what I see.”
  • “If we were playing Among Us, I’d definitely vote for you as the best pick.”

🎮 Gaming-Themed Among Us Pick-Up Lines

 Gaming-Themed Among Us Pick-Up Lines
  • “Are you a task in navigation? Because you’ve directed my heart straight to you.”
  • “Do you have a map? Because I’m lost in the game of love with you.”
  • “Are you a reactor meltdown? Because you’re causing a major emotional breakdown in my heart.”
  • “If you were a task, you’d be the one I’d always want to finish with you.”
  • “Are you an impostor? Because you’ve cunningly stolen my heart.”
  • “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I perform a medbay scan to be sure?”
  • “Are you a vent? Because you’ve popped up in my life and I’m loving it.”
  • “Are you an admin task? Because you’ve got me checking my heart status.”
  • “If love were a game, I’d choose you as my partner every single time.”
  • “You must be the lights, because you’re making everything around me shine.”
  • “Are you a sabotage? Because you’ve disrupted all my plans and I’m glad you did.”
  • “Do you have a security camera? Because you’re capturing my heart on film.”
  • “Are you the medbay scan? Because you’ve revealed all my feelings for you.”
  • “Is your name Among Us? Because you’ve definitely got my heart in the game.”
  • “If we were in a game of Among Us, you’d be the player I’d always want to team up with.”
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👾 Geeky Among Us Pick-Up Lines

  • “Are you a crewmate? Because my heart is running a mission to be with you.”
  • “Do you have a task list? Because I’d like to be on it, especially the part about loving you.”
  • “Are you an impostor? Because you’ve cleverly deceived my heart into falling for you.”
  • “If you were a task, you’d be the one I’d always want to complete with passion.”
  • “Are you a reactor? Because my feelings for you are overheating.”
  • “Do you have a keycard? Because I’m trying to unlock the door to your heart.”
  • “Are you a medbay scan? Because you’re revealing how much I’m into you.”
  • “If love were a game, you’d be the top player in my heart.”
  • “Are you a navigation task? Because you’ve guided me straight to love.”
  • “Are you a sabotage? Because you’ve made all my plans revolve around you.”
  • “Do you have a map? Because I’m lost in the game of love with you.”
  • “Are you the lights? Because you’re brightening up my day.”
  • “If we were playing Among Us, I’d definitely vote for you as the best pick.”
  • “Are you a security camera? Because you’re always on my mind.”
  • “Are you a medbay scan? Because I can’t stop thinking about you.”

😍 Adorable Among Us Pick-Up Lines

  • “Are you a crewmate? Because I’d love to be your partner on this mission of love.”
  • “Do you have a map? Because I’m lost in the game of your heart.”
  • “Are you a medbay scan? Because you’re making my heart race with affection.”
  • “If love were a task, you’d be the one I’d always want to complete.”
  • “Are you the reactor? Because you’re causing an emotional overload in my heart.”
  • “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I come by again to complete a task?”
  • “Are you an impostor? Because you’ve stolen my heart with no sabotage required.”
  • “If you were a task, I’d always choose you first.”
  • “Are you a navigation task? Because you’ve directed my heart straight to you.”
  • “Are you a vent? Because you’ve appeared in my life and captured my heart.”
  • “Do you have a security camera? Because you’re always on my mind.”
  • “Are you a reactor meltdown? Because you’re causing a major reaction in my heart.”
  • “Is your name Among Us? Because you’ve definitely captured my attention.”
  • “If you were a task, I’d happily complete you with love.”
  • “Are you the lights? Because you’re brightening up my life in the best way.”

🎉 Playful Among Us Pick-Up Lines

  • “Are you a crewmate? Because my heart is on a mission to be with you.”
  • “Is your name Among Us? Because you’re definitely in my heart’s game.”
  • “Do you have a keycard? Because I need a way into your heart.”
  • “Are you a medbay scan? Because my feelings for you are off the charts.”
  • “If love were a task, I’d always choose to complete it with you.”
  • “Are you a reactor? Because my heart is on overload every time you’re near.”
  • “You must be the lights because you’re making everything look clearer and brighter.”
  • “Are you an impostor? Because my heart can’t stop accusing you of being amazing.”
  • “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I vent back and try again?”
  • “Are you a crewmate? Because my heart is definitely on a mission to be with you.”
  • “If you were a task, you’d be the one I’d always want to finish first.”
  • “Are you a sabotage? Because you’ve disrupted all my plans, and I’m okay with that.”
  • “Do you have a map? Because I’m lost in the maze of your eyes.”
  • “Are you a security camera? Because you’re capturing my heart.”
  • “If we were playing Among Us, I’d definitely vote for you as the best pick.”

🎯 Targeted Among Us Pick-Up Lines

  • “Are you the impostor? Because you’ve targeted my heart and I’m falling for you.”
  • “Do you have a task list? Because I’d like to be on it, especially the part about loving you.”
  • “Are you a sabotage? Because you’ve disrupted my plans and made me love you more.”
  • “If you were a task, you’d be the one I’d always want to complete with passion.”
  • “Are you a reactor? Because my feelings for you are reaching critical levels.”
  • “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I come back and perform another task?”
  • “Are you a vent? Because you’ve popped up in my life and I’m loving it.”
  • “Are you an admin task? Because you’ve got me checking my heart status.”
  • “If love were a game, you’d be the top player in my heart.”
  • “You must be the lights, because you’re making everything look clearer and brighter.”
  • “Are you a sabotage? Because you’ve made all my plans revolve around you.”
  • “Do you have a keycard? Because I need a way to unlock your heart.”
  • “Are you a medbay scan? Because you’re revealing all my feelings for you.”
  • “Is your name Among Us? Because you’ve definitely got my heart in the game.”
  • “If we were in a game of Among Us, you’d be the player I’d always want to team up with.”
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🎭 Themed Among Us Pick-Up Lines

  • “Are you a crewmate? Because my heart is on a mission to be with you.”
  • “Is your name Among Us? Because you’re definitely in my heart’s game.”
  • “Do you have a map? Because I’m lost in the game of your heart.”
  • “Are you a medbay scan? Because you’re making my heart race with affection.”
  • “If love were a task, you’d be the one I’d always want to complete.”
  • “Are you the reactor? Because you’re causing an emotional overload in my heart.”
  • “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I come by again to complete a task?”
  • “Are you an impostor? Because you’ve stolen my heart with no sabotage required.”
  • “If you were a task, I’d always choose you first.”
  • “Are you a navigation task? Because you’ve directed my heart straight to you.”
  • “Are you a vent? Because you’ve appeared in my life and captured my heart.”
  • “Do you have a security camera? Because you’re always on my mind.”
  • “Are you a reactor meltdown? Because you’re causing a major reaction in my heart.”
  • “Is your name Among Us? Because you’ve definitely captured my attention.”
  • “If you were a task, I’d happily complete you with love.”

🎲 Casual Among Us Pick-Up Lines

  • “Are you a crewmate? Because my heart is on a mission to be with you.”
  • “Is your name Among Us? Because you’re definitely in my heart’s game.”
  • “Do you have a keycard? Because I need a way into your heart.”
  • “Are you a medbay scan? Because my feelings for you are off the charts.”
  • “If love were a task, I’d always choose to complete it with you.”
  • “Are you a reactor? Because my heart is on overload every time you’re near.”
  • “You must be the lights because you’re making everything look clearer and brighter.”
  • “Are you an impostor? Because my heart can’t stop accusing you of being amazing.”
  • “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I vent back and try again?”
  • “Are you a crewmate? Because my heart is definitely on a mission to be with you.”
  • “If you were a task, you’d be the one I’d always want to finish first.”
  • “Are you a sabotage? Because you’ve disrupted all my plans, and I’m okay with that.”
  • “Do you have a map? Because I’m lost in the maze of your eyes.”
  • “Are you a security camera? Because you’re capturing my heart.”
  • “If we were playing Among Us, I’d definitely vote for you as the best pick.”

🔍 Exploration-Themed Among Us Pick-Up Lines

  • “Are you a crewmate? Because my heart is on a mission to be with you.”
  • “Do you have a map? Because I’m lost in the game of your heart.”
  • “Are you a medbay scan? Because you’re making my heart race with affection.”
  • “If love were a task, you’d be the one I’d always want to complete.”
  • “Are you the reactor? Because you’re causing an emotional overload in my heart.”
  • “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I come by again to complete a task?”
  • “Are you an impostor? Because you’ve stolen my heart with no sabotage required.”
  • “If you were a task, I’d always choose you first.”
  • “Are you a navigation task? Because you’ve directed my heart straight to you.”
  • “Are you a vent? Because you’ve appeared in my life and captured my heart.”
  • “Do you have a security camera? Because you’re always on my mind.”
  • “Are you a reactor meltdown? Because you’re causing a major reaction in my heart.”
  • “Is your name Among Us? Because you’ve definitely captured my attention.”
  • “If you were a task, I’d happily complete you with love.”
  • “Are you the lights? Because you’re brightening up my life in the best way.”

🤖 Techy Among Us Pick-Up Lines

  • “Are you a crewmate? Because my heart is on a mission to be with you.”
  • “Is your name Among Us? Because you’re definitely in my heart’s game.”
  • “Do you have a map? Because I’m lost in the game of your heart.”
  • “Are you a medbay scan? Because you’re making my heart race with affection.”
  • “If love were a task, you’d be the one I’d always want to complete.”
  • “Are you the reactor? Because you’re causing an emotional overload in my heart.”
  • “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I come by again to complete a task?”
  • “Are you an impostor? Because you’ve stolen my heart with no sabotage required.”
  • “If you were a task, I’d always choose you first.”
  • “Are you a navigation task? Because you’ve directed my heart straight to you.”
  • “Are you a vent? Because you’ve appeared in my life and captured my heart.”
  • “Do you have a security camera? Because you’re always on my mind.”
  • “Are you a reactor meltdown? Because you’re causing a major reaction in my heart.”
  • “Is your name Among Us? Because you’ve definitely captured my attention.”
  • “If you were a task, I’d happily complete you with love.”


Among Us pick-up lines are a fun and creative way to break the ice, especially if you and your crush share a love for gaming. Whether you’re a crewmate on a mission or suspecting an impostor, these lines can bring humor and a lighthearted approach to any conversation. From techy to exploration-themed or even mystery-filled, there’s a line for every mood. 

So, the next time you’re looking to make a connection, don’t hesitate to throw in one of these funny and flirty lines. Just remember, in the game of love, it’s always good to keep things light, engaging, and full of fun!

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