150+ Body Parts Pick Up Lines: Body, Legs, Butt, Boobs, Face

Last Updated on August 30, 2024 by Justin Taylor

When it comes to body part pick-up lines, a little creativity goes a long way. Whether you’re complimenting someone’s legs, admiring their smile, or appreciating their curves, the right words can make all the difference. 

These lines are playful, cheeky, and designed to catch someone’s attention by focusing on different aspects of their appearance. Below, you’ll find a collection of top pick-up lines that are centered around various body parts. Get ready to have some fun!

 Body Pick Up Lines

  • “Are you a magician? Because every time I look at your body, everyone else disappears.”
  • “Your body must be made of copper and tellurium because you’re Cu-Te!”
  • “Do you work out? Because your body is a work of art.”
  • “If beauty were a crime, your body would be doing life.”
  • “Is your body from Tennessee? Because it’s the only ten I see!”
  • “I must be a snowflake, because I’ve fallen for your entire body.”
  • “If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put ‘U’ and ‘I’ together… and admire the rest of your body.”
  • “Is your body an angle? Because you’re acute.”
  • “You must be tired because you’ve been running through my mind with that body all day.”
  • “I’m not a photographer, but I can picture us together… and that incredible body of yours.”
  • “Your body is so flawless, it’s like Photoshop in real life.”
  • “Is your body a map? Because I just got lost in it.”
  • “Can I follow you home? Cause I can’t stop admiring your body.”
  • “I should call you Google, because you’ve got everything I’ve been searching for in a body.”
  • “You must have a great sense of direction, because you sure know the way to my heart with that body.”

 Legs Pick Up Lines

 Legs Pick Up Lines
  • “Are you a runner? Because your legs have been racing through my mind all day.”
  • “If I said you had nice legs, would you hold it against me?”
  • “Your legs must be tired, because they’ve been running through my dreams all night.”
  • “Is it leg day? Because I can’t stop staring at your legs.”
  • “You must be a track star because those legs are going places.”
  • “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by with my legs again?”
  • “Are those legs from heaven? Because they’re an angel’s best feature.”
  • “I’m no artist, but I’d love to sketch your legs for hours.”
  • “Can you help me with directions? I’m lost in admiration of your legs.”
  • “Your legs should be illegal; they’re a danger to my heart!”
  • “Is it just me, or are your legs stealing the spotlight?”
  • “Those legs deserve a standing ovation.”
  • “Do your legs hurt? Because they’re kicking up a storm in my heart.”
  • “Your legs are like a compass, always pointing me in the right direction—toward you.”
  • “I’m falling for you, but it might just be those legs that tripped me up.”
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 Butt Pick Up Lines

  • “Are you sitting on a cloud? Because that’s one heavenly butt.”
  • “Excuse me, but I think you dropped something: my jaw, when I saw your butt.”
  • “Is your butt a work of art? Because I can’t stop admiring it.”
  • “Do you have a map? Because I got lost in your butt.”
  • “Is your butt an angel? Because it’s heaven-sent.”
  • “That’s not just any butt; that’s a national treasure.”
  • “I must be a thief because I can’t stop checking out your behind.”
  • “Is your butt a magnet? Because it’s pulling me closer.”
  • “Does your butt have a license? Because it’s driving me to exasperate.”
  • “I’m not an artist, but your butt should be in a museum.”
  • “Is that seat taken, or is your butt the only thing that belongs there?”
  • “Do you have any tape? Because I’m stuck on your butt.”
  • “I need to call 911, because your butt is on fire!”
  • “Are you wearing space pants? Because your butt is out of this world!”
  • “If I followed you home, would you let me admire that butt again?”

 Boobs Pick Up Lines

 Boobs Pick Up Lines
  • “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again and appreciate those boobs?”
  • “Are your boobs made of gravity? Because I’m attracted to them.”
  • “If I could be anything, I’d want to be your bra, just to be close to those boobs.”
  • “Do you have a map? Because I keep getting lost staring at your boobs.”
  • “Excuse me, but are you smuggling melons?”
  • “Are your boobs the sun? Because they’re making my day a lot brighter.”
  • “I must be a scientist because I’m drawn to the mystery of your boobs.”
  • “Is there a rainbow near? Because your boobs are the pot of gold I’ve been looking for.”
  • “Your boobs must be made of magnets, because they’re pulling me in.”
  • “I’m no photographer, but I can picture your boobs and me having a great time together.”
  • “Are those boobs on sale? Because I’d like to take them home.”
  • “You must be a magician because every time I look at your boobs, I get lost.”
  • “I’d say God was showing off when he made your boobs.”
  • “If beauty were a crime, your boobs would be guilty.”
  • “Your boobs must be expensive because they look priceless.”

 Face Pick Up Lines

  • “If you were a fruit, you’d be a fine-apple with that face.”
  • “Your face must be made of starlight, because you’re glowing.”
  • “Are you made of sugar? Because you’ve got the sweetest face I’ve ever seen.”
  • “I could get lost in your eyes and face for days.”
  • “Has anyone ever told you that you have a face that could launch a thousand ships?”
  • “Your face is like a work of art—I could stare at it all day.”
  • “You must be a model, because that face is perfect.”
  • “Is your face made of honey? Because it’s sweet enough to give me a toothache.”
  • “I can’t decide if I should be amazed by your smile or your entire face.”
  • “You should come with a warning label, because that face is too stunning.”
  • “You must be a celebrity, because that face deserves to be on a screen.”
  • “Your face lights up the room brighter than the sun.”
  • “Did it hurt when you fell from heaven with that angelic face?”
  • “Your face should be on a magazine cover.”
  • “I’m not an artist, but I’d love to sketch that beautiful face.”
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 Eyes Pick Up Lines

  • “Are your eyes made of diamonds? Because they’re shining so bright.”
  • “I can’t decide if your eyes are more captivating than the stars.”
  • “Is it just me, or are your eyes my favorite color?”
  • “If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put U and I together, just like your eyes and mine.”
  • “Do your eyes hurt? Because they’ve been staring right into my soul.”
  • “Your eyes must be made of sapphire, because they’re gems.”
  • “Is it just me, or are your eyes making me fall for you?”
  • “Can I take a picture? I just want to capture your eyes forever.”
  • “Your eyes are like the ocean—deep, mysterious, and hard to resist.”
  • “Are you a magician? Because I’m mesmerized by your eyes.”
  • “I’m lost in your eyes, and I don’t ever want to be found.”
  • “Do you have x-ray vision? Because your eyes see right through me.”
  • “If I stared into your eyes for too long, I might forget how to breathe.”
  • “Your eyes are like coffee, they keep me up all night.”
  • “You’ve got bedroom eyes, and I’m ready to take a nap.”

 Hands Pick Up Lines

  • “Are you a pianist? Because your hands are playing the right notes on my heart.”
  • “If I held your hand, would you ever let it go?”
  • “Do your hands hurt? Because they’ve been holding my attention all night.”
  • “Your hands must be tired because you’ve been carrying my heart all day.”
  • “I’d love to see how our hands fit together.”
  • “Do you have magic hands? Because I’m under your spell.”
  • “Your hands are like sunshine, they warm my heart.”
  • “Can I hold your hand? I want to see how perfect it feels.”
  • “I could tell from your hands that you’ve got a kind heart.”
  • “Your hands were made for holding mine.”
  • “If we held hands, sparks would fly.”
  • “Do you believe in fate? Because my hand belongs in yours.”
  • “Your hands are like puzzle pieces, and mine are the perfect fit.”
  • “Every time I see your hands, I just want to hold them.”
  • “Your hands are like a warm hug—they make everything better.”

 Hair Pick Up Lines

  • “Are you a shampoo model? Because your hair is fabulous!”
  • “Your hair must be a work of art, because it’s flawless.”
  • “I bet you wake up looking perfect with that hair.”
  • “If I had a penny for every time I admired your hair, I’d be rich.”
  • “Is your hair from heaven? Because it’s angelic.”
  • “Your hair is so beautiful, it’s making me forget what I was going to say.”
  • “I must be in a fairy tale, because your hair is enchanting.”
  • “Do you use magic shampoo? Because your hair looks spellbinding.”
  • “Your hair shines brighter than the stars.”
  • “Can I touch your hair? It looks like silk.”
  • “Your hair is like the wind—free and beautiful.”
  • “I’m mesmerized by the way your hair moves.”
  • “Is your hair made of sunlight? Because it’s so radiant.”
  • “You must have a secret to that amazing hair.”
  • “Your hair is like a halo—it makes you look angelic.”
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 Lips Pick Up Lines

 Lips Pick Up Lines
  • “Your lips look kissable.”
  • “Are your lips made of sugar? Because they’re sweet enough to give me a toothache.”
  • “Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I’ll give it back.”
  • “I bet your lips taste better than chocolate.”
  • “I can’t stop thinking about your lips.”
  • “Your lips are like a magnet, pulling me in.”
  • “If I could, I’d write a book about your lips.”
  • “Your lips are the perfect shape.”
  • “If you were a song, your lips would be the chorus I’d play on repeat.”
  • “Do your lips come with a warning? Because they’re dangerously attractive.”
  • “Are those lips taken? Because I’d like to claim them.”
  • “I’m no poet, but your lips are pure poetry.”
  • “Your lips are like red roses—stunning and full of allure.”
  • “Is it hot in here, or are your lips just smoking?”
  • “If kisses were currency, you’d make me a millionaire.”

 Smile Pick Up Lines

  • “Your smile could light up the whole room.”
  • “Is your smile a secret weapon? Because it’s disarming.”
  • “Your smile is brighter than the sun.”
  • “I must be in a dream because your smile is unreal.”
  • “I’d do anything just to see that smile again.”
  • “Your smile has me hooked.”
  • “If happiness were a smile, you’d be the definition.”
  • “That smile is so contagious, I can’t stop grinning.”
  • “Your smile is like a sunrise—it’s the best part of my day.”
  • “You should smile more often—it looks good on you.”
  • “That smile of yours could start a revolution.”
  • “I’ve seen a lot of beautiful things, but nothing beats your smile.”
  • “You could power an entire city with that smile.”
  • “Are you sure your smile isn’t magic? Because it’s enchanting.”
  • “I feel like the luckiest person alive just getting to see your smile.”


Body parts pick-up lines are a fun and flirty way to strike up a conversation. From complimenting someone’s smile to admiring their legs, these lines can make a memorable impression if used with the right mix of charm and humor. 

Remember, confidence is key, but being respectful and considerate is even more important. Whether you’re at a party, on a date, or just trying to break the ice, these pick-up lines will definitely make you stand out. So, go ahead and try them out—you never know whose heart you might steal!

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